Thursday, August 29, 2019

University should provide more online courses Essay

University should provide more online courses - Essay Example Introduction of online courses for those with special needs not only makes it an attractive package for students but also has great advantages to an institution such as student population growth and boosting the institution’s image. Furthermore, there has been significant growth in E-learning globally as from 2007, the number of students in the higher education sector has become a marketing tool if not a requirement. Disabilities are considered to be diverse thus a disability is defined as any physical, mental, sensory, or other existing impairment that is related to hearing, seeing, learning, speaking or physical mobility that may immensely affects one’s participation in social-cultural and economic aspects within a setting or society. (Turnbull 19) Many studies have pointed out the need for equality of students hence it should be noted that learning is a social-interaction process. It is therefore important to break the barrier that students who are challenged face in exercising their right to participation on all available platforms in a school setting, be it, leadership, projects, library access or class participation. There should be a platform that ensures that those with disabilities no longer feel inferior to their peers but can also perform on an equal level. 2. This objective would seek to look at the advantages that would benefit both the institution and the students with disabilities. It will address the roles both parties have to perform ensure success. enquiry for the next stages. Specifically, the research phase will cover information gathering on existing E-learning initiative for the last five years on a national level. This trend data should give a useful indication of the viability of the platform. In an attempt to make the learning process better and satisfy learning needs, elements such as infrastructure, learning outcomes and the local context need

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